Calm of Heaven and Earth

not a man

..........Pronouns·they/them | it/its

A mysterious swordsman. Nobody knows who they are or where they came from... including them. They simply awoke, atop what they would find out was a mountain in Yanxia, not a single memory to their name.

…Not that they're disclosing that to anyone. Reticent to a fault, their responses are usually single-syllabled utterances—"Mm," is a particular favourite. And few are brave or stupid enough to pry. (That is, putting aside how scarily efficient they are at making themselves scarce...) It's not that people aren't curious, but there's this indescribable…strangeness to Nei that causes even the most extrovertedly exuberant to steer clear.

Of course, this is more than amenable to them. Reluctant to sleep or even train in the company of others, they often disappear up some mountain or into some forest to do so.

Nevertheless—if you manage to catch them before they retreat from society—they're rather obliging, always willing to help with all manner of tasks be it monster-hunting or menial labour. (...Aiding others... It reminds them of someone...something long forgotten.)

. ⚠️ this carrd features a dubiously .
. healthy relationship, dehumanisation, .
. & spoilers for endwalker .

See bottom left for accompanying music.

the world unsundered

During these times, they were called "Ophieus."

On the anniversary of Hades' appointment to the Third Seat, it was amongst the celebratory gifts bribes. A weapon, described the gift-giver. Like all the other bribes, Hades rejected it—shocked and perturbed at being 'gifted' a person. His distaste only grew at the discovery that they had been, in secret, running experiments in the creation of artificial humans.

The 'weapon': their latest result.

An astoundingly successful one, for nobody suspected a thing before the inquiry. A weapon, indeed. Designed to be deadly, its creator also educated them in all manner of art and literature, to best serve the Third Seat. 'Most crucially,' and the aspect which the creator was most proud of, was its complete and perfect obedience to its 'master.'

Repulsed, Hades refused to even look at them while the Convocation...dealt with the researcher in question. After some deliberation, and discussion on whether it could even 'return to the lifestream' if it had never been alive in the first place, they were 'set free.'

For their prowess in battle, they were sent to Elpis for some time to work with Hermes, the then-Fandaniel's student. Despite their origin being kept under strict lock and key, the other researchers were still... unnerved.

They were very soon returned to Amaurot. Stationed in various parts of the city, working with or under each of the remaining Convocation members, it soon became apparent none of those positions suited them. They were simply too much 'weapon,' not enough 'man.'

Ultimately, following some incessant nagging by an unnamed close friend, they ended up back with Emet-Selch, as was originally intended of them. They dutifully served him until...

the sundering

In the days leading up to what would become the Sundering, Ophieus disappeared.

Hades would later, after locating shards of other sundered acquaintances, wonder why he could never find any of Ophieus'. At first, his search was rooted in logic—surely Ophieus' shards would be strong. After a thousand-some years of fruitless searching, it stopped being that.

Eventually, he gave up.

They weren't a true Ancient, after all.

In reality, with no 'soul' to be sundered, Ophieus was not split into shards. Rather, most of the aether that they had been constructed of dissipated. Losing all of their memories, they then fell into a deep sleep for 12,000 long, long years.


. wip .

Hover for credit, click to enlarge.

Hair·A brilliant white. Usually worn tied up.
Eyes·Right is a yellow, left is green, with a clear, glassy quality. They have sensitive vision and primarily navigate through aether/soulsight.
Build·Relatively muscular. Stands very straight, making them appear taller than their already-substantial ~200cm.
  • Covered in white, star-like markings (a result of their Sundering). Their eyes and these markings glow.

  • Always wears a cloth blindfold and wrappings around their hands.

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Bokuto·A simple, wooden sword they fashion for themselves when they first wake up in the mountains. Uses it more like one does a cudgel than an actual sword. Despite an increasingly-desperate Tataru, they decline her repeated offers to get them an upgrade until this one breaks.
